pushState with webpack-dev-server

Webpack has a jolly little server for your development environment called webpack-dev-server
. With a touch of configuration, it can be convinced to handle JavaScript history API pushState.
Webpack is fast. But once you have a growing number of static assets to process and a increasily-complex asset pipeline, you may wish for a faster build lifecycle in development mode. webpack-dev-server
was created for such a purpose.
It is a small express
app that handles building your assets according to your webpack configuration, keeping them in memory, and doing so automatically as you change your source files.
In addition to webpack taking care of static assets like css and js for me, in dev mode I'll often include the html-webpack-plugin
This plugin generates an index.html
file for you that will keep up to date with the correct references to your assets built inside of webpack-dev-server
. Use of this plugin is perfect in situations where you're building a client-side app that just needs a single html file to bootstrap on top of.
History API
The history API allows the browser to locally handle url changes that would usually signal a need to go back to the server for resources. This allows client-side apps to include routers that can navigate from urls like http://localhost:3000/one-place
to http://localhost:3000/another
instead of having to use the url hash (eg, http://localhost:3000#/one-place
All routes to index.html
By default, webpack-dev-server
is setup to serve assets directly from the http requests received. For instance, if my webpack-dev-server
was running on port 3000
, and my webpack.config.js
was setup so that I was building a main.js
for my application, I could make a request to get that build asset via http://localhost:3000/main.js
Likewise, if I'm using the html-webpack-plugin
, I can make a request to http://localhost:3000/
to get my index.html
file, which contains the script
tag to bootstrap my app -- again, likely something like main.js
But if my app has a client-side router that is using the history API, how do I get webpack-dev-server
to differentiate a client-side route from an asset request to http://localhost:3000
It turns out that we're in luck. webpack-dev-server
includes a useful option named historyApiFallback
. If this boolean flag is set to true, all requests to the webpack-dev-server
that do not map to an existing asset will instead by routed straight to /
, that is, the index.html
This is exactly what we want. If we want more customization in the fallback routes, we can specify that as well. Internally, webpack-dev-server
uses connect-history-api-fallback
which takes several options.
These options include overriding the name of the index file or rerouting certain request url patterns to different html files in the case you have multiples. These options can be set by passing an object to historyApiFallback
instead of a boolean flag.
Finally, in order to not have to type this every time you want to run the webpack-dev-server
cli, you can specify all of these options in the webpack-config.js
under the devServer
The simple example looks like this in webpack-config.js
devServer: {
port: 3000,
historyApiFallback: true
A more complex example might look something like:
devServer: {
port: 3000,
historyApiFallback: {
index: 'default.html',
rewrites: [
{ from: /\/soccer/, to: '/soccer.html'}
Given the above configuration, routes like /one-place
and /another
would go to /
, which is backed by the default.html
markup. Routes like /soccer/schedule
or /soccer/games/123
would go to soccer.html
So, you don't need to write your own proxy. The option is built in for you. webpack excites again!
What other things have you been surprised that webpack already does for you?