Access Model in Ember View

Ember Views are used for event handling and creating reusable web components. To make them useful and interesting, model data needs to make it into and out of the view. Here is an example of how this works.
Define Your View
In our example, I'm making a simple dice rolling game. I want to use a view to represent the die on the screen and to handle the roll event. Your custom view must simply extend Ember.View
App.DieView = Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'die'
This is about the simplest view definition we could make. We'll make it a bit cooler later. For now, the view just knows where to get its markup. The die
template can be any valid template. Ember, by default, uses Handlebars templates. I prefer Emblem templates, such as this die.emblem
li.die = die
This template will simply print the die
object in an li
with class of die
. (There are an unusual number of 'die' references are in this example. This is for purely entertainment reasons, nothing more nefarious. :)
Render Data in Ember View Template
Next, you need to get your Ember View referenced in your template markup. In Emblem, to reference a view, start the line with a capital letter, specifically the name of your view. In this view, I list the dice in my game controller rolling
array and render each die in the DieView
in dice.emblem
each die in this.rolling
Using this code, the parent template dice.emblem
passes the die
variable to the DieView
, where its child template, die.emblem
renders die
Pass Data Into Ember View
To pass the die
data from dice.emblem
into the DieView
to be used programatically, however, you need an extra attribute. Change dice.emblem
, adding contentBinding
each die in this.rolling
App.DieView contentBinding="die"
Now you can access the die
data via a special Ember View variable named content
. Why might you want to get to this data programatically in the view code?...
Passing Data from Ember View to Controller
You might want to pass it somewhere else. Remember, Ember Views are meant to take primitive UI events and translate them into semantic events, meaningful to your application. For example, our view might want to translate a die element click
on the DOM into a roll
event in the application. We made the modification to dice.emblem
to pass the data in. Now, let's send it to the controller like this:
App.DieView = Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'die'
click: (evt) ->
@get('controller').send 'roll', @get 'content'
We retrieve the content
variable (holding the die
), and send it to the controller in scope as a roll event. The controller now must implement a roll
function. Let's say we have a game controller. That code might look like this in
App.GameController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
roll: (die) ->
# roll die and advance game accordingly
If the controller doesn't implement this function, the current Ember Route may implement it in its events
object. If neither the controller or the route implement it, an exception is thrown.
In this way, Ember Views show their worth in collecting events and translating them to meaningful verbs that we can act upon in our application. They become reusable, allowing us to bind different content to them on different occassions. Do Ember Views help you in this way? Is there a better way?