Family Can Enable Creativity

My family makes my creativity possible and enables it.


I have been creating things since I was a small child. I believe there's an innate desire within us as humans to create.

More than this nature, however, I was blessed with the nuture of parents who really instilled confidence and support in me as I grew in my ability to create. This great gift from my parents allowed me to not put mental limits on my personal ability to succeed. This was matched with a family training of a work ethic -- one that would help me become more accustomed to the level of work that's required to actually implement a vision.

I'm grateful for the creative inspiration that came from my childhood family and hope to provide the same for my children.


This last week I was at a tech conference. It was great and all, but by the end, I wanted to get home. On the road, flitting from conference, to car, to hotel, to airport is a hard way to get much done. I felt detached from my creative base. Hopefully the moments of learning were worth the effort to get out there and get exposed to some new things.

What was reinforced to me in the experience was the great support that I receive from my family at home to create. We are a team that supports one another in our creative ambitions. We try to create a life for one another than enables creation.

Missing out on that support for days in a row last week, I was eager to get back to it. I was eager to have my partner in life at my side again. I was eager to be exposed to the enthusiasm of my children again.

Isn't it amazing the enabling power for good that our families can provide around us? I hope for that positive relationship for everyone. I hope to be that kind of family member, friend, and creative mentor for those that need it.

How does your family support your creativity? And you their's?