Format Clojure Code in Neovim
Here's how to format clojure code in neovim.
LSP Help
Neovim has built-in LSP abilities. Null-ls gives it more abilities. This project was very recently archived, so the future of it (or alternatives) is unclear, but this is what I will use for now.
Null-ls has some build-in sources. Importantly, it knows how to talk to zprint, a formatting tool that knows how to parse Clojure.
Set up LSP
Modify your nvim setup to include null-ls. Here using packer:
require 'packer'.startup(function(use)
use 'jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim'
Then :PackerSync
Then set up formatting generally. Here, we will:
- Use only null-ls for formatting. (Other tools can conflict.)
- Set up formatting on save (
) - Set up a shortcut that calls null-ls formatting,
See an example common.lua
local M = {}
-- from:
local lsp_formatting = function(bufnr)
filter = function(client)
-- use only null-ls for formatting (eg, not tsserver)
return == "null-ls"
bufnr = bufnr,
local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspFormatting", {})
M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
if client.supports_method("textDocument/formatting") then
vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = augroup, buffer = bufnr })
-- format on save
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
group = augroup,
buffer = bufnr,
callback = function()
local bufopts = { noremap=true, silent=true, buffer=bufnr }
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>f', lsp_formatting, bufopts)
return M
Then import that formatting setup and tell null-ls to use it and to use zprint as a source:
local common = require('jt.lsp.common')
local null_ls = require "null-ls"
sources = {
Install zprint
The easiest way to install zprint is to download the prebuilt zprint library from github. (note: zprintl
is the version for linux.)
Download it and rename it zprint
and put it in your $PATH
somewhere you like.
If anyone knows of a packaged version of zprint published somewhere that is better for this purpose, please let me know.
Format Your File
After installed and configed, restart nvim, and open a .clj
or .edn
file, and give it a format. Remember, you can use the key binding we set up above:
Beautiful indentations from here on out.