How to Create a Bower Package

Bower is a client-side or browser package manager. It will handle your 3rd-party packages that are registered with the service. To make it more useful, you can package up some of your own code and create a component to install with Bower.

Prepare your Package

To prepare your code to be a Bower package, you must install the Bower CLI:

$ npm install -g bower

If you haven't upgraded Bower lately, you might want to, as the basic config files have changed recently, and the CLI has improved. This command would do the trick:

npm update -g bower

Now let's generate the basic config file, bower.json, by running:

$ cd your_project_dir
$ bower init

You will be prompted to select a name, version, etc. for your project.

Add Your Package to the Registry

There is a Bower registry at that is used as a central lookup for the Bower components that are available. This allows searching for packages by name, for instance:

$ bower search angular-models

Now the only step left is to add a reference to our package in the registry, for instance:

$ bower register angular-models git://

That's it! It's that easy.

Potential Errors

When giving a URL to your git repo, use the git protocol URL specifically. Otherwise on old versions of Bower you'll get an error:

bower error Incorrect format

The newer versions will give a much more helpful message:

bower EINVFORMAT The registry only accepts URLs starting with git://

And don't worry about name overwriting. Bower will catch that too with an error response:

bower EDUPLICATE Duplicate package