Https Redirect for Node on Heroku

When your app requires users to be using the https protocol to make requests and get responses, it's helpful to have an automatic redirect so the user is always in the right place. Here's how to do that for a Node Express app on Heroku.

NodeJs Https Redirect

Secure Express Requests

The Express request object has a bunch of great information. One of its attributes is secure. It's a boolean. Usually, secure == true will mean that you're on https. When that is not true, you're ready for a redirect.

Unfortunately for apps hosted on Heroku, will always be false. The way that Heroku routing works, it will just never be set.

Heroku Https Header

Instead, Heroku forwards an http header that allows us to do the same "is secure" test. On Heroku, request.header('x-forwarded-proto') will contain the actual protocol string (eg, 'http' or 'https').

Express Middleware SSL Redirect

If you're using the Express framework on Node, then you have it easy. There's already a great middleware mechanism for you to send any or all requests through. If you set your Express app (v4) up like this:

const app = express()

Then you can use the app.use functionality to specify a middleware. Since I only have certificates and want the redirect to happen in the production environment, I will likewise wrap this middleware inside a process.env.NODE_ENV check for prod. This redirect will be pretty rudimentary, but it's just that simple, so here it goes:

if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  app.use((req, res, next) => {
    if (req.header('x-forwarded-proto') !== 'https')

If it's not https already, redirect the same url on https. If it is, that's what I want, and you can pass on through my middleware function. Note that this middleware will protect all urls on the site with an https redirect. Your middleware could be more selective. You could even create this as a stacked middleware per route if you wanted. We could even enhance our middleware to use inspect both the http header and the secure flag.

Heroku threw us a for a minor, unexpected loop, but it was nothing that we couldn't easily code for.