JavaScript Arrow Functions with No Params

How I like to write JS arrow functions with no parameters.

Arrow Functions

An arrow function is a syntax that defines as a function in an expression without using the function keyword. They're great because of their terse, understandable syntax. They serve well as inline functions. They have automatic context binding. Supes super all around.

No Params

I would guess that most people would write a parameterless arrow function like this:

const a = () => {}

The empty parenthesis express the lack of parameters. There's something about this I don't love. It's ok, but it has two chars, is somewhat awkward to type, and has an odd symmetry with the curly braces. I'm stretching, right. :)

Anyway, I like to write parameterless arrow functions like this:

const b = _ => {}

What's better about it? One char, less awkward, and it doesn't look like curly braces. There's also a well-known convention that _ underscore indicates that params are discounted or ignored (or in this case no present).

An Issue with Arity

I use this _ => {} style of parameterless function all the time. But there's one place that it's bitten me: that's where function arity matters. Note this difference:

$ node
> const a = () => {}
> a.length
> const b = _ => {}
> b.length

_ => {} has a length of one. There is some clever code in this world that will care about such things. Mocha is one, where the existence of a parameter in a spec's function indicates that the existence of a callback for async test code. For instance:

test('learn all code conventions', done => {

The _ => {} underscore will still trigger this kind of thing. I use () => {} here instead. Of course, some people are against any arrow functions in specs like this -- that's another flame war.

Anyway, what do you think? _ underscore trendy enough for you? :)