A JSON API Errors Serializer in Rails

The default serialization of error states in Rails might not be what you want for your app. In that case, it'd be worth knowing how to write a custom serialization format for your needs. In my case, I am trying to match the JSON API format for errors. Here's a potential implementation...

JSON API Errors Format

JSON API is cool because it is a standard format for REST APIs to serialize data. It would be even cooler if it was well-established and it was standardized more than it currently is. As it is, it's a standard that seems to fluctuate a fair bit. Nevertheless, it has many worthy ideas and might be worth using as a format on your app.

The errors format specifically asks for JSON that looks something like this:

  "errors": [
      "id": "name",
      "title": "Name cannot be empty"
    } // ...

There must be an errors root attribute. Its value is an array. That array has individual errors that may include a number of different attributes. Here, I have highlighted just two -- id, a unique id of the problem and title, the human-readable error message.

Rails Default Error Serialization

A common place for errors to be reported are in the HTTP responses for requests to the resources in your REST API. For instance, in your model for your resource -- in this case, let's say it's a book -- you may have some validation rules for what constitutes a well-formed book. That model might look like:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :title, presence: true

Thus, if I try to create a new book without a title, I should get some sort of error. And indeed, I do. If I have a books_controller.rb that looks like this:

class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def create
    book = Book.new(book_params)
    if book.save
      render json: book
      render json: book.errors  # Allowing default serialization


  def book_params

By default, Rails 4 will return an error serialization that looks like this:

  "title": [
    "can't be blank"

Custom Error Serializer in Rails

But I wrote a client that doesn't consume errors in the default Rails format, so I want a custom error serialization format -- specifically one to match the JSON API specs.

On the line in books_controller.rb that was returning book.errors, now we'll introduce a new function to call:

render: json: ErrorSerializer.serialize(book.errors)

We're going to write the serializer method in a separate file, error_serializer.rb, so it can be used in many controllers. To gain access to it in our controller, we need to include the line:

include ErrorSerializer

The contents of your error_serializer.rb can be whatever fits your use case. For my simple JSON API implementation, it looks like:

module ErrorSerializer

  def ErrorSerializer.serialize(errors)
    return if errors.nil?

    json = {}
    new_hash = errors.to_hash(true).map do |k, v|
      v.map do |msg|
        { id: k, title: msg }
    json[:errors] = new_hash


Note the format includes an errors root attribute and an id and title for each error object.

Now, the errors serialization format from the API in the case of an error appears like:

  "errors": [
      "id": "title",
      "title": "Title can't be blank"

Just what we wanted.

I'm sure there are better places to put your error serialization logic, ways to call it, or great libraries you've worked with that do a similar thing. Any suggestions? Have fun!