Notify NewRelic of Error on UncaughtException

NewRelic is a monitoring vendor that has good support for Node.js apps. When your Node app goes down, you'll want to tell NewRelic about it. It's surprisingly easy.

newrelic npm Package

The newrelic npm package is super easy to integrate with. First install:

npm install newrelic

Call it from early in your program (before errors can start to occur). NewRelic docs say on the first line of your program. I load config first. Everything is fine.


Then in order to let NewRelic have the data that it needs to run, you'll need to setup the config file. The lib gives you a seed file to start from.

cp node_modules/newrelic/newrelic.js .

Make sure to edit it with your changes. With that file, you'll want to set your app name, your license key, and any other options you desire.

Calling NewRelic on uncaughtException

When your Node app goes down, you have one final moment to send out your SOS signal -- this is in the uncaughtException handler.

Usually NewRelic will detect errors automatically, such as those that you return as HTTP responses to your clients of status 500 with some error json. But in this case, we'll need to send the error manually. The newrelic lib gives us a way to do this with the notifyError function. It takes the error object and optionally some custom parameters.

So, at first glace, we'd do this:

const newrelic = require('newrelic')

process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
  log.fatal({ err }, 'unhandled error')


But this doesn't deterministically give NewRelic time enough to send the error off to their server. The lib apparently sends errors on some sort of "harvest" cadence. process.nextTick doesn't seem to provide enough time either. But NewRelic does give another API that should help. The shutdown function cleans up the agent. It also allows to flush all the pending notifications via collectPendingData option previous to shutdown, which is what we want.

So to make this reliable, we change to:

process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
  log.fatal({ err }, 'unhandled error')

  newrelic.shutdown({ collectPendingData: true }, err => {
    if (err) log.error({ err }, 'error shutting down newrelic agent')

And it works like a charm. Any additional data that you send to monitoring when your app crashes? Any ways that you know to make this more reliable? Have fun logging those crashes!