Null SelectItem Option

Sometimes it's desirable to be able to have a null or "none of these" option for a dropdown. I've gotten tripped up on the syntax a couple times and have found enough variance in "solutions" listed on forums that I'll just add to the mix and record what works well for me here.

Sometimes it's desirable to be able to have a null or "none of these" option for a dropdown. I've gotten tripped up on the syntax a couple times and have found enough variance in "solutions" listed on forums that I'll just add to the mix and record what works well for me here.

The code:

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{missionaryDetailsBean.missionary.bloodType}">
   <f:selectItem value="#{null}" />
   <f:selectItems value="#{missionaryDetailsBean.bloodTypesList}" />

Alternatively, you can put some text in to describe the extra option:

<f:selectItem value="#{null}" itemLabel="Choose one..." />