Start Apps in i3 with Keyboard Shortcuts
Here's how to start apps using i3 keyboard shortcuts. Or: How to make an i3 app switcher.
You have a tool, like your screenshot tool, flameshot that you want to start when pressing a global key combination.
Set Key Binding
You're in luck. i3 can help you. Pop open the config:
nvim ~/.config/i3/config
My i3 $mod
is alt/cmd, so in order to set up the screenshot tool the same as the MacOS default, I could add a key binding for alt-shift-4:
bindsym $mod+Shift+4 exec --no-startup-id flameshot gui
App Switcher
But I reload the config, and I get an error:
ERROR: Duplicate keybinding in config file:
state mask 0x9 with keysym 4, command "exec --no-startup-id flameshot gui, mode "default""
This is because I use the alt-shift-[number]
combo of keys to move windows to different workspaces (eg, workspace 4).
In order to give me a different namespace for key combos, I can create a new mode -- a mode for picking apps. Add to i3/config
set $app_picker App picker (f) flameshot
mode "$app_picker" {
bindsym f exec --no-startup-id flameshot gui, mode "default"
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+Shift+d mode "$app_picker"
- Creates a mode called
. - To switch to that mode, binds a key combo of
. - When the mode is displayed, the i3bar will show "App picker (f) flameshot".
- When in that mode, binds a key combo of
to run the commandflameshot gui
. - After running it, the mode is exited, back to
mode. - Instead of running a command, one can press 'enter' or 'esc' to exit back to
Reload that puppy, and now you have a key combo that can switch you into picking apps or running commands. Let your fingers delight in i3!