SVN Ignore

In projects that create project meta data or compiled class files in the same directory as source, svn commits can be particularly cluttered with those files that we really don't care to keep under version control. This is where svn:ignore can beceome our good friend.

In projects that create project meta data or compiled class files in the same directory as source, svn commits can be particularly cluttered with those files that we really don't care to keep under version control. This is where svn:ignore can beceome our good friend.

For instance, in my django projects, the compile .pyc files are littered throughout my directory structure. I don't want to commit them, so I want to ignore them.

We need to edit the special property: svn:ignore. The syntax is:

svn propedit svn:ignore target_dir

If you have multiple directories, you'll have to run this for each or list multiple directories in the command. I have yet to figure out how to do this recursively. Does anyone know?

Later, to see what you're ignoring, try this:

svn status --no-ignore

Update for Django

find -name '*.pyc' -print0|xargs -0 rm